- Not too far from La Gruta we found the Drago morph which is on the way to the beach with the same name. Notice the only difference is the intense yellowish-range legs with more diffused dark spots on the back.
- Just few kilometers north of the Rio Robalo lies the Rio Uyama. This particular phenotype is found around this area.
- This phenotype is nearly solid orange or red with fine spotting around the hindlegs. It’s named after La Gloria an area south of Changuinola.
- Just few kilometers north of the Rio Robalo lies the Rio Uyama. This particular phenotype is found around this area.
- These frogs are extreme jumpers and getting close to them requires patience a a lot of luck. Sarapiqui, Costa Rica.
- Perhaps this may be a morph that will go extinct. The Bastimento morph can only be found in the namesake island, and extensive changes in land use are threatening this species.
- Just few kilometers north of the Rio Robalo lies the Rio Uyama. This particular phenotype is found around this area.
- Just few kilometers north of the Rio Robalo lies the Rio Uyama. This particular phenotype is found around this area.
- Just few kilometers north of the Rio Robalo lies the Rio Uyama. This particular phenotype is found around this area.
- This I believe this is a very dark Darklands phenotype which is found around Cauchero. Notice that is almost black rather than blue like the cauchero phenotype.
- A Strawberry Poison Dart Frog (Oophaga pumilio) carries her to tadpole to a water source, usually a bromelia.
- Finding this morph wasn’t easy. Amazingly I found it where I least expected it. This frog was found in heavy rain along a driveway leading to a house on the banks of the Rio Oeste.
- I spend most of my first night surveying the amphibian life, so we can get some nice shots the following night.
- This phenotype is nearly solid orange or red with fine spotting around the hindlegs. It’s named after La Gloria an area south of Changuinola.
- This awesome specimen is form the Loma Partida area. they are found along a hill side that borders the sea. The forest here is exuberant and provides plenty of cover for this species.
- Perhaps this may be a morph that will go extinct. The Bastimento morph can only be found in the namesake island, and extensive changes in land use are threatening the species.
- Again, another slight variant found near Quebrada Pitty. Pretty close to the individuals in Rio Oeste.