1. Log in to the cloud

Go to munguiaphotos.com/downloads and use the user and password provided to you via email.

2. Folders and Storage Area

The left column is the folder directory and the center column is the storage area. You select any folder from the left column to see its content

3. Double-click to see images in full size.

You can double any images to see a full size, or view multiple files in a slideshow format. Use the bottom navigation to setup full screen or move to the next image.

4. Download images

You can select any image and download individually or use the Shift-key to select multiple images. Click on Download to download a zip file containing all the images selected.  The files will be downloaded directly to your default Download folder.

5. Upload Images

Select the folder you want to upload to, then click on the SEND button. On the pop-up screen select from your computer and select the files to be uploaded. Alternatively you can drag and drop inside the center column (folder content area).